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Donate To C.A.R.E.

Honorarium and memorial donations along with a picture and/or statement are personalized ways to pay tribute to or acknowledge a special person, pet, occasion, or event. When you make an honorarium or memorial donation, you help the continuing efforts of Citizens for Animal Rescue and Emergencies (CARE) to "help people with animal problems, and help animals with people problems".

Celebrate a special occasion such as a birthday, anniversary, adoption (baby or fur baby), birth or any other significant occasion with an honorarium. When you make a gift in the form of an honorarium, the person/pet owner, etc., being honored.

Commemorate the life of a family member, special friend, or family pet with a memorial. An acknowledgement of the memorial gift made to CARE will be sent to whomever you designate and will include the deceasdant's name and your name. Whether you make a gift as an honorarium or as a memorial, you will receive an acknowledgement of your gift. Your gift is tax deductible under Federal tax guidelines.

To arrange for one of these gifts, send us the following:

  • Your name, address, contact phone number
  • Honorarium: State the reason for the honor along with the name and address to whom the acknowledgement should be sent.
  • Memorial: State the name of the deceased as well as the name and address to whom the acknowledgement should be sent.

You can use the following methods to send CARE your gift:

U.S. Mail

Send your request to:
Citizens for Animal Rescue and Emergencies
P.O. Box 493
Flint, MI 48502


Send your request to careingtimes@gmail.com. Enter Honorarium and/or Memorial in the subject line along with your request(s) in the email message. If you wish to include a picture, please attach it to the email. The picture should be sent in .jpg format.

Donate via PayPal