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Grant Opportunities For Rescues

Citizens for Animal Rescue and Emergencies has been fortunate over the past 43 years to have received proceeds from the estates of many of our friends. In order to ensure that CARE provides due diligence with these funds for the animals within our community, CARE set up a grant fund through the Community Foundation of Greater Flint.

The grant funds are available to recognized 501(c)3 animal rescue organizations that, through the grant process, ensure the funds will be used for the welfare of animals. The grant requests awarded over the past 3 years include funding for:

  • Microchipping (machine and chips) animals before adoption
  • Spaying and neutering pets in designated Flint zip codes
  • Spaying and neutering rescued animals before they are put up for adoption
  • Lead testing in Flint water that is given to animals
  • Sick and injured rescued animals (includes surgeries)
  • Expansion of a nature center to allow rehab of more wild animals

Through the grant fund program, CARE is able to provide outreach to Flint and surrounding communities to provide services to animals and their owners that could not be accomplished solely by our small group.

To apply for an animal welfare grant, go to the Community Foundation of Greater Flint website. Click on the "Grants & Scholarships" tab, click on "Grant seekers", and then on "How to apply for a grant".

If assistance is needed to write the grant, there are professional grant writers available.